"Little Racer" tells the adventurous story of a handicapped 8 year old boy who is immobile due to a life threatening illness but still strives to overcome the obstacles that may also include his own mortality.
The reader is cast into the role of a tiny remote control race car that allows the young boy to view and move in the world from a whole new perspective that literally “drives” the reader straight into this thrill-packed story!
All members of the community can read it for FREE!
A horror story, based on old tales, legends, myths about witches!
I will be publishing the book chapter by chapter as it's being written, and as I believe in public ideas and participation I would like to invite you to read the "alpha chapters" and leave reviews, feedback, ideas, thoughts below in the comment box.
Best reviews will be chosen and placed on the books back cover when the books hit the shelves!
Every once in a while, I run into a person, event or even simple object that inspires me so much I literally write a poem in a matter of minutes.
A "Book of Poems" will be a collection of the finest poems I wrote. There will be love poems, sad poems, happy poems, weird poems and funny poems. They were all written with the same passion and common depth.